I will be out of town Feb. 9-17.

Orders placed after Feb. 8 will be sent when I return.

I will be out of town Feb. 9-17. Orders placed before Feb. 8 will be sent before I go. Orders placed after Feb. 8 will be sent when I return.



Learn to Weave Shapes on a Little Loom

Weaving free-form shapes is kinda like making your own little puzzle -

You weave a shape, then fill in another shape next to it.

Pretty soon you've got your whole piece looking like a colorful collage!

wall hanging with shapes woven into the design

Let's Start Weaving Shapes

Weave a few rows of any color.

Decide how wide you want your first shape to be and weave back and forth.

Begin to weave a shape on a frame loom.


I don’t really weave the shapes vertically loose like this, I just wanted to demonstrate my weaving path.

Weaving a shape on a frame loom


There are no solid rules in weaving shapes. On this piece, my shapes were woven narrow at the top, but you can weave your shapes however you like.

Weaving a shape on the frame loom


After you weave the two shapes, you can fill in between them with a new shape. Doesn't it feel like your putting puzzle pieces together?

As you introduce each shape, experiment a little to figure out the best over-under path to take.

Woven shapes on the loom.

Finish off the top with the same color you wove on the bottom rows.

weaving shapes on a frame loom

The more warp threads per inch, the finer the weave and the easier it is to weave intricate shapes. These were woven on the Lucy Loom that I sell, which has four warp threads per inch. If you'd like to weave more intricate shapes, the Annie Loom has eight warp threads per inch.

Get my Book! 

  • You never know where you might find yourself weaving.
  • In the park, under a tree, or maybe even up in the tree!
  • No worries, this little book will fit right into your project bag, so you can take it with you anywhere your heart desires. And you will be a happy weaver.

click here to see the book

beginner's weaving book by lucy Jennings

Here are the looms you can find in my shop:

Lucy Loom - 5 x 7 inches - Acrylic 

Acrylic loom for beginner weavers


Annie Loom - 5.5 x 10 inch - Wood

5.5 x 10 inch wood loom


Do you like tiny things? I do!


Tiny Loom - 2.5 x 3.5 inches - Wood

tiny 2.5 x 3.5 inch wooden loom

Are you confused by weaving terms? 

I’ve got something to help you keep your brain sorted.

A pdf with photos and illustrations to help you remember the basic weaving terms. 

Just fill in the form below to download it now.

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