I will be out of town Feb. 9-17.

Orders placed after Feb. 8 will be sent when I return.

I will be out of town Feb. 9-17. Orders placed before Feb. 8 will be sent before I go. Orders placed after Feb. 8 will be sent when I return.



Make a Coiled Basket with Embroidery Floss

There's two kinds of people. 

Those who love to make tiny things and those who do not.

Well, I guess there are other kinds of people in the world, but we won't go there right now. 

Any new craft I learn, I've got to figure out how to make a miniature version.

And so it is with coiled baskets. 

Another thing I love is untangling embroidery floss. When all the threads are neatly in their proper places, I feel like I've won the battle and can go forth into the world with no fear.

So, one day, after untangling a big scraggle of floss,

I thought "why not make a tiny basket?" Then I made more... and I even make some coiled buttons - which lead to coiled pendants and pins. 

I'm going to show you how to start this little coiled basket.

miniature coiled basket

 Here's the first lesson - how to start the coil


Click here to see the 3mm cord in my shop. 


DIY coiled baskets

Want to learn more?

I have eight more videos in the series, where I teach you...

  • four different wrapping techniques
  • how to create the shape
  • how to start and end the colors
  • how to finish it up - nice and tidy

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